The darkness, metaphor for precariousness, must be read as the moment of recognition of thruth of the human life condition

Paolo Parma, 1958, Verona, Italy.

Graduated in Electronic Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan, he devoted himself to photography from the time of his studies.

Adopts a design approach in which the concept of dogma is banned, in which everything must have a meaning and at the same time its possible refutation. In its research, consisting of minimal images, without an apparent narrative plot, if not references, clues, a sort of common spirit is perceived, where the mystery, the silence and the wait underline the precariousness of the whole.
His images tend to ask new questions instead of offering answers.
The night, a symbol of precariousness, is understood as the moment of anagnorisis about the truth of the human condition, just as dust is a metaphor for life, whose meaning is never really grasped.

Parma has exhibited in Italy and abroad:
Lianzhoufoto, China;
The Center for Fine Art Photography, USA;
Sequenzen Galerie Tacheles, Austria;
Villa Visconti Litta Borromeo for Expo 2015; Casa dei Tre Oci, Veneza; The Praxis Gallery, minneapolis, USA; …

His work is part of public and private collections in Europe, the United States, Asia, including: Lianzhou Museum of Photography in China;
Fabio Castelli Collection;
Italo Zannier archive and Venice Foundation.